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  • Artisans & Partners intro



    The artisans and NGO partners who make our products are based in remote, rural communities. Amongst the bustle of village life, there's plenty happening behind each woven thread... 



    Artisans work alongside other women in shared community workspaces. Sometimes they choose to work from home, where they can also care for their family and tend to daily chores. Although highly skilled, they hail from the poorest and most disadvantaged communities in Bangladesh, so access to education, training and health care has been very limited. 

    By working with The Dharma Door, these women are breaking this cycle by using their traditional weaving and craft skills. Together with our NGO partners, they set the price for each piece based on the time it takes to make; intricacy of design; and the cost of the raw materials. 

    Being paid fairly is undoubtedly life-changing. However a host of other wonderful benefits also arise through their work: the pride of making something beautiful with their own hands; the camaraderie of learning new skills alongside other women; earning respect from their families and community; the dignity of being able to buy new clothes; and the opportunity to educate themselves and their children.
